The En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator

En-ROADS is an online simulator that provides policymakers, educators, businesses, the media, and the public with the ability to test and explore cross-sector climate solutions.

Explore the En-ROADS Simulator

What is En-ROADS?

En-ROADS is a global climate simulator that allows users to explore the impact that dozens of policies—such as electrifying transport, pricing carbon, and improving agricultural practices—have on hundreds of factors like energy prices, temperature, air quality, and sea level rise.

Developed by Climate Interactive, the MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative, and Ventana Systems, En-ROADS is a system dynamics model carefully grounded in the best available science, and has been calibrated against a wide range of existing integrated assessment, climate, and energy models. En-ROADS runs on an ordinary laptop in a fraction of a second, is freely available online, offers an intuitive user-friendly interface, and is available in over a dozen languages.

En-ROADS helps people make connections between things they care about and the possibilities available to help ensure a resilient future. Users can quickly see the long-term effects of the global climate policies and actions they imagine. The goal? To break through the noise and equip elected officials, business leaders, and others with the knowledge they need to implement equitable and high-leverage climate solutions. You can learn more about the science behind the simulator here.

Open the En-ROADS Simulator
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How is En-ROADS used?

Experiencing En-ROADS changes how people think about climate change and how they feel about it at a visceral level. In government offices around the world, in classrooms and corporate boardrooms, we have seen how testing alternate scenarios motivates users to step up and take action. More than 276,000 people in 154 countries—including more than 130 members of the US Congress—have taken the time to use En-ROADS. Beyond the numbers, peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated that those who engage with En-ROADS are empowered to take action, with a strengthened connection and improved understanding of climate issues.

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En-ROADS can be used individually online, but it is most often used as part of a facilitated group learning experiences, such as: the En-ROADS Climate Workshop or the Climate Action Simulation game. These interactive events help participants gain key insights from the simulator, adopt new perspectives, and build grounded hope in a fun and engaging format.

We offer facilitated En-ROADS experiences for decision-makers in government and the private sector that equip them with the know-how to limit global warming. We also have a directory of people who have taken our online training in how to lead En-ROADS events that reach audiences worldwide from classrooms to community groups and beyond.

Using En-ROADS with decision-makers

En-ROADS Testimonials

  • “En-ROADS is quite simply a climate crisis game-changer for policymakers and people across the country. Everyone is hearing more and more about the science, but sometimes it takes a demonstration tool like En-ROADS for people to see first-hand that everyone of us needs to be on a war footing and mobilize to fight this crisis head-on… En-ROADS is the ultimate conversation starter.

    John Kerry U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
  • “This MIT/Climate Interactive simulator is a terrific, fantastic tool – absolutely wonderful. What I like: it is honest, shows the interesting interplay between policies, and is a bugle call about how aggressive we need to be.”

    Jay Inslee Washington State Governor
  • “En-ROADS is useful as a way to influence government, business, and public opinion to think, “Yes, it is possible to keep greenhouse gas concentrations below 450 ppm and temperature increase below two degrees.”

    Alfredo Sirkis Brazilian Congressman
  • En-ROADS lit my brain on fire….in one screen, the model communicates the urgency of the climate change threat, powerfully debunks cherished myths, confirmed the importance of current commitments and emphasizes how much more we have to do.”

    Roberta Barbieri PepsiCo VP, Global Water & Environmental Solutions
  • “En-ROADS teaches us that while it is still possible to avoid dangerous climate change, there are indeed no silver bullets to reach this goal, and we have our work cut out for us.”

    Eileen Claussen Former President of Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)
  • “We found that the Climate Interactive simulator and workshop helped us remove ego from the strategic conversations. It really allowed us to see the interconnectedness of all the solutions so that we could work together and not in isolation.“

    Dymphna van der Lans formerly US-Europe Energy Transition Forum
  • “The Simulation engaged leaders from across sectors in an interactive, thought-provoking and solutions-focused discussion about strategies and policies to address global climate change. I think we all walked away with a better understanding of the complex energy and climate system and hope in our collective ability to drive a more sustainable future.“

    Jessica Thomas Director, Business Sustainability Collaborative

Watch a short demonstration of its operation and features below.

Who leads En-ROADS events?

Anyone can lead En-ROADS events

A wide range of people have led En-ROADS events, including several national government leaders, a president of a major philanthropic foundation, chief sustainability officers, university professors, citizen leaders, and educators all over the world. Facilitators from diverse backgrounds bring En-ROADS insights to their community through our interactive group experiences.

Anyone with enough interest can learn how to run an En-ROADS event for their desired audience.

Our event resources are:

Find the event that's right for you
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En-ROADS Climate Ambassadors

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The En-ROADS Climate Ambassador Program is a unique leadership opportunity intended for highly-motivated facilitators who run En-ROADS events. En-ROADS Climate Ambassadors are committed to mastering our tools and spreading data-driven climate insights across the globe. Our team works closely with our Ambassadors to grow our network, run international events, and deliver crucial insights to decision-makers using the En-ROADS Simulator. Joining the Ambassador program is free, and applications are open to any member of the public who has completed the Mastering En-ROADS Training program.

If you are interested in having an Ambassador run an event for your group, you can explore our global network and connect with our Ambassadors.

Learn more about the ambassador program

Our facilitators and En-ROADS Climate Ambassadors are running events all around the world. Each marker shows an En-ROADS workshop or game that has been held. Zoom in on the map and click on markers to see more details about each unique event. If you’ve run an En-ROADS event, be sure to register it to ensure we can put it on the map too!

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En-ROADS in the Media

Looking for communications material to help share En-ROADS? Be sure to explore our communications kit.