Sheila Shefo Mbiru
Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development Project Lead

World Climate Ambassador & Facilitator
Sheila Shefo Mbiru, is in charge of Knowledge Management and Capacity Development in the Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development (LECRD) Project based in Nairobi Kenya.
She has been leading World Climate Simulations in various settings including with policy makers, media practitioners and the youth in university, churches and in high schools. In all the events the results were extremely positive with most participants indicating that they now had a deeper understanding of climate change, its impacts and the need for urgent action at all levels; global, national, sub- national, community and most importantly individual level.
In addition, Sheila was instrumental in getting the World Climate Simulation tool incorporated into a climate change training program entitled Climate Change Policy, Planning and Budgeting at National and County Leveldeveloped by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, the Kenya School of Government and other key stakeholders. The tool was successfully used by 30 participants from National and County (sub national) governments during the inaugural training program held in June 2017. The tool will be used in future training programs as the program is now offered through the Kenya School of Government and will contribute to capacity building efforts to improve national and global climate change response.