Oğuz Tosun

En-ROADS Climate Ambassador and World Climate Facilitator
Languages: Turkish and English
Locations: Turkey but willing to travel
“One of my events was held in a hotel which also houses the Office of National Association for Oil and Gas Companies. While the World Climate Simulation negotiation was running, a participant whose role was Fossil Fuel Lobbyist was asking me a question about the session in front of the Association sign. Participants playing the Press took a photo of that moment (Myself as UNFCCC Sec. General and the Fossil Fuel Lobbyist standing and shaking hands) and projected it on to the screen during their speech in order to address me as a corrupt Secretary General.”
Oğuz Tosun has graduated from environmental engineering department at Middle East Technical University. In his freshman year he involved in European Students’ Forum (AEGEE) which changed his life by offering him chances to participate in several international youth programs with different focuses such as youth rights, democracy and environment. After he graduated from Study of United States Institutes-Global Environmental Issues that was held in Hawaii, Colorado and Washington D.C. as a scholar of Department of States, he launched Change for Climate (C4C) Project in Turkey. During this long term study, three different training modules with different target groups such as university students and municipalities have been designed and introduced in Turkey’s climate sector via small grant programs such as UNDP/ GEF/ SGP, East-West Center, SIDA and U.S. Mission Abroad. As a result of his efforts through C4C Project, he was appointed as one of the eight World Climate Simulation Program Ambassadors in world by Climate Interactive. He also facilitated a side event called Addressing Climate Change as a Social Issue at UNFCCC 24th Conference of Parties (COP 24) in Katowice under Turkey Pavilion. Recently, he works in Life Climate and Energy Limited (Life Enerji) as assistant expert. He focuses on carbon abatement projects, carbon markets (ETS, Carbon Tax and Voluntary Carbon Projects) and capacity building projects in this consulting firm. Also, his paper namely as “Macroeconomic Approach to Climate Crisis” has been under Enhancing Required Joint Efforts on Climate Action Project which is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey and beneficiary institution is the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization Turkey.
Explore some of Oğuz’s publications & blog posts here:
- Climate Simulation Program via C4C Project
- Youth Taking up to Cause of Climate Change Project
- Macroeconomic Approach to Climate Crisis
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