World Climate Video Walkthrough

Below is a series of videos that walk through the World Climate Exercise. The exercise (and videos) take 3-4 hours, but can be compressed into a shorter time-scale. At this event, held in 2009, participants were divided into three groups, corresponding to different groups of countries represented at the United Nations climate change conference. The exercise can also be run with larger numbers of country-groups, to reflect more detailed variations between the interests of different countries.

  • Introduction: Full background to the exercise, its sponsors and validation of the supporting climate change simulation model. Briefing on the process for the exercise, and distribution of briefing materials for the three country-groups Developed Countries, Developing A, and Developing B.
  • Developing B Briefing: Further verbal briefing of issues that are of concern to the world’s least developed countries.
  • Briefing for Round 1 Negotiations: Presentation of data about trends in greenhouse-gas emissions, atmospheric carbon concentrations, temperature changes and likely consequences. Explanation of the ‘C-ROADS’ simulation model and its match to the complex 3-D climate models used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Briefing of two tasks for the first round of negotiations [1] each country-bloc to commit to deadlines for stabilizing CO2 emissions and subsequent reduction rates, and [2] financial contributions to global funds for mitigating the already-likely impacts of climate-change.
  • Group Discussions Round 1: Brief clips of groups from the three country-blocs as they discuss their negotiating positions and the commitments they are willing to make to reducing CO2 emissions and funding mitigation.
  • Results of Round 1: Groups’ presentation of the commitments they are willing to make, and the resulting consequences for climate change.
  • Briefing for Round 2 Negotiations: Presentation of the ‘bath-tub’ model of carbon-emissions and atmospheric greenhouse-gas concentrations, and further data about the consequences of climate-change, especially on sea levels. Briefing for groups to attempt more ambitious commitments in the 2nd round of negotiations.
  • Group discussions Round 2: Brief clips of groups from the three country-blocs as they discuss their negotiating positions, plus discussions taking place between the groups.
  • Results of Round 2: Groups’ presentation of their revised commitments, and the resulting consequences for climate change.
  • Current real-world proposals: Presentation of the commitments to action on greenhouse gas emissions that have been made by various countries and regions, and the implied, serious consequences for further climate change. Explanation of further causal processes involved in climate change, but not currently reflected in the simulation models, and the possible implications.
  • Personal reflections: Participants discuss their own impressions of the exercise, of their feelings about what they have learned, and plans for action.
  • The Climate Dividend: Presentation of the already large scope for action to cut greenhouse-gas emissions, and the positive economic impacts from doing so. Close of the exercise, and information on support available for its use in other situations.