August 20, 2024
Two new graphs have just been added to the En-ROADS Simulator that visualize the impact of changing temperature on our natural environment.
This graph showcases the global land area at risk of experiencing insufficient moisture conditions in the Baseline and a 1.5°C scenario. Increased aridity can reduce plant cover and change an area’s capacity to supply ecosystem services or support biodiversity.
This graph highlights the global land area in jeopardy of transforming into a different ecosystem due to temperature change in the baseline and a 1.5°C scenario. An ecosystem shift can cause changes in animal interactions and impact the people that rely on the ecosystem.
Explore the new graphs in En-ROADS!
These graphs emphasize the urgent need to reduce global warming to avoid significant environmental change. Create your own scenarios to see how these impacts can be avoided.
We’ll be exploring these new graphs and more in our webinar that will focus on preventing climate impacts in the En-ROADS Simulator on Thursday, August 29. Register for the 7 AM EDT or 2 PM EDT session to secure your spot!
We are grateful to the V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation for funding these new additions. More graphs that provide insights on the impact of climate change will be added to the En-ROADS Simulator later this year to support informed decision-making. Stay tuned!